Employees should not be asked to do things at work that could result in injuries. However, there are cases where accidents happen and people are hurt at work. When this occurs, it’s important for an employee to inform their supervisor so they can get treated for their injury immediately. Many companies have a specific doctor or clinic they prefer their employees be evaluated by after an accident. When injured workers use these facilities, their worker’s compensation claim is often filed on their behalf. It’s essential for an employee to follow up with the Bureau of Worker’s Compensation to ensure their claim was received and file it themselves if necessary. Waiting too long to file could result in a denial.
Other Reasons for Denied Claims
A portion of worker’s compensation claims are denied because the employer disputes the legitimacy of the claim. While this is the company’s right, it makes it more difficult for the employee to receive the compensation they need to pay their medical bills. If they are unable to work for a period of time, it could also be hard to pay personal bills without the money they would receive from their Bureau of Worker’s Compensation claim. A Cleveland Workers Compensation Lawyer could represent an injured worker and may help them gather the documentation they need to prove their injury occurred at work.
A claim might also be denied because the medical professional who examined the worker following their injury provided documentation to the managed care organization that led them to determine the injury was not severe enough for compensation. If the worker was truly injured and unable to work due to their condition, hiring a disability compensation attorney might help them get the compensation they are entitled to due to the injury.
What to Expect
After a claim is filed, the Bureau of Worker’s Compensation must make a determination within 28 days. At that point, a letter is sent to the employee’s home letting them know whether the claim was allowed or disallowed and the next steps in the process. If the claim was disallowed, this letter should describe the reasons and give the employee information about filing an appeal. There is a limited amount of time to file so, if the employee plans to hire a Cleveland workers compensation attorney, they should do so right away. The BWC rules allow only 14 days to request a hearing. Although employees may request these hearings on their own, and may even attend without an attorney, consulting a workers compensation lawyer in Cleveland offers many advantages.
Why Hire a Lawyer
If a claim is denied due to lack of information and the injured worker can provide the necessary documents at the hearing, it might not be necessary to hire an attorney. However, in complicated cases, such as those in which the employer disputes the injury or that it occurred at work, having a lawyer to present the case to the hearing officer is ideal. Most business owners have an attorney representing their interests, and employees should have one as well.
A workers comp attorney in Ohio may explain the process to their client so they are prepared and know what to expect at the hearing. Experienced worker’s compensation attorneys are familiar with the types of questions that are asked in appeal hearings and may help their client prepare responses to them. Few people are injured so many times at work that they have been to several BWC appeal hearings. While an injured worker might not know exactly what they’ll be asked, by working with a lawyer, they have the opportunity to benefit from years of experience in these types of appeal hearings.
Contact our firm to schedule a free consultation and discuss your case with an attorney today.